
Liste af produkter
Ref. Id Manufacture Type Primary volt Secondary volt KVA Year Weight Kg. Remarks
TR81 Noratel - 3LT250-23/AS Noratel 3LT250-23/AS 690 174 2002 860 3 phase autostarter transformer
TR79 Barth Transformatoren DT 420/440/460 230 40 Ex. Maersk Winner
TR77 Barth Transformatoren - DT Barth Transformatoren DT 420/440/460 230 40 50/60 Hz. Ex. Maersk Winner
TR76 Polylux - SN: TTS140702783 Polylux SN: TTS140702783 230-690 230-690 30 Ex. Vibeke Bram
TR75 Polylux - SN: TTS140702782 Polylux SN: TTS140702782 230-690 230-690 30 Ex. Vibeke Bram
TR74 Noratel - 3LT50-23/ASB Noratel 3LT50-23/ASB 440 242 2012 252 60 Hz
TR73 Noratel - 3LT30.0-380/220 DYN11-23 Noratel 3LT30.0-380/220 DYN11-23 380 220 30 2010 206 47-63 Hz
TR71 Polylux - SPE0215X0921 SN: TTS150206893 Polylux SPE0215X0921 SN: TTS150206893 440 230 45 385 50-60 Hz
TR70 MerSan - TS 267 EN 60076 - 1 MerSan TS 267 EN 60076 - 1 440 230 50 2005 60 hz. Ser nr. 005003
TR69 MerSan - TS 267 EN 60076 - 1 MerSan TS 267 EN 60076 - 1 440 230 50 2005 60 hz. Ser nr. 005004
TR68 Agecelec Agecelec 380 220 25 1981 Ex Sigyn
TR67 Agecelec Agecelec 380 220 25 1981 Ex Sigyn
TR66 MTC Midland Transformer Co. - BS 3399-1961 Group 1 MTC Midland Transformer Co. BS 3399-1961 Group 1 440 226,5 1984 680
TR65 Legrand Legrand 400 230 25 2000 50/60 hz. 3 ph. Ucc: 6,1%
TR64 Noratel - 3LT80-440/400 DYN11-23 Noratel 3LT80-440/400 DYN11-23 440 400 80 2007 323 Ex Western Patriot
TR63 Noratel - 3LT80-440/400 DYN11-23 Noratel 3LT80-440/400 DYN11-23 440 400 80 2007 323 Ex Western Patriot
TR62 Noratel - no plate Noratel no plate 400 208 Ex Western Patriot
TR61 Noratel - no plate Noratel no plate 400 208 Ex Western Patriot
TR60 Møre Trafo - LTB 4230 K Møre Trafo LTB 4230 K 450 120 50 270 Ex Western Patriot D.N.V.
TR59 Møre Trafo - LTB 4230 K Møre Trafo LTB 4230 K 450 120 50 270 Ex Western Patriot D.N.V.
TR58 Møre Trafo - LTB 7250 K Møre Trafo LTB 7250 K 450 220 190 740 Ex Western Patriot D.N.V.
TR57 Møre Trafo - LTB 7250 K Møre Trafo LTB 7250 K 450 220 190 740 Ex Western Patriot D.N.V.
TR56 Mefta - Tea 100/05 Mefta Tea 100/05 400 400 100 1987 575 Skille trafo. Max 144,3 A
TR54 Møre / MT - LT 1135 K Møre / MT LT 1135 K 380 230 20 190 Ex Stromboli
TR52 Agecelec Agecelec 380 220 25 1981 Ex Sigyn
TR51 Agecelec Agecelec 380 220 25 1981 Ex Sigyn
TR50 Agecelec Agecelec 380 220 50 1981 Ex Sigyn
TR49 Le Metal Deploye - RL Le Metal Deploye RL Resistance. Ex Sigyn. 27/32 kW. 180/210 volt.
TR48 Le Metal Deploye - RL Le Metal Deploye RL Resistance. Ex Sigyn. 27/32 kW. 180/210 volt.
TR47 Møre / MT - LT 1135 K Møre / MT LT 1135 K 380 230 20 190 Ex Stromboli
TR46 Møre / MT - LT 1135 K Møre / MT LT 1135 K 380 220 20 180
TR45 Lanne - Euroelettro Lanne Euroelettro 230 400 15 2004 110
TR44 BWS BWS 415 240 15 1 phase
TR43 BWS BWS 415 240 15 1 phase
TR42 BWS BWS 415 240 15 1 phase
TR41 Elsund - 32086-440 Elsund 32086-440 400 400 7 1999 ( 4 kW ) / 400 V, 10,1 A
TR38 Aksel Åkerman - 3TA-63,0 D Aksel Åkerman 3TA-63,0 D 3 x 440 3 x 220 63 With cable
TR37 Aksel Åkerman - 3TA-63,0 D Aksel Åkerman 3TA-63,0 D 3 x 440 3 x 220 63
TR36 Møre Trafo - LTB 6245 K Møre Trafo LTB 6245 K 450 230 125 1994 550 Ex Auto Racer. D.N.V.
TR35 Møre Trafo - LTB 6245 K Møre Trafo LTB 6245 K 450 230 125 1994 550 Ex Auto Racer. D.N.V.
TR33 TR33 (no plate)
TR32 Erik Sundberg - TLIP-35 Erik Sundberg TLIP-35 380 220 35 1974
TR31 De Drie De Drie
TR30 De Drie De Drie
TR29 TR29 (no plate)
TR28 TR28 (no plate)
TR26 Curtis Rewinds Curtis Rewinds 415 240 15 1 phase
TR25 Nordsø - NM Nordsø NM 220 380 25 kW
TR24 Noratel - 3U1240-110-23 Noratel 3U1240-110-23 440 220 30 289
TR22 Nebb - LT 1130K Nebb LT 1130K 380 230 15 1971 160
TR21 Nebb - LT 1130K Nebb LT 1130K 380 230 15 1971 160
TR20 Curtis Rewinds Curtis Rewinds 415 240 15 1 phase
TR19 Curtis Rewinds Curtis Rewinds 415 240 15 1 phase
TR16 Weseman Weseman 30
TR15 Tramo - TFTA 15 Tramo TFTA 15 380 220 15
TR14 Foster - TO B.S. 3399:1961 Foster TO B.S. 3399:1961 440 245 40 1971
TR13 Asea - PEG 4533 Asea PEG 4533 370 220 kW
TR12 Asea - PEG 4533 Asea PEG 4533 370 220 kW
TR11 Asea - PEG 4533 Asea PEG 4533 610 240 kW
TR10 Marcus - WF Marcus WF 220 380 25 250 HV = 220, LV = 380 1 phase
TR9 Marcus - WF Marcus WF 220 380 25 250 HV = 220, LV = 380 1 phase
TR8 Marcus - WF Marcus WF 220 380 25 250 HV = 220, LV = 380 1 phase
TR7 Simmonds - 171 Simmonds 171 415 220 15 1 phase
TR6 Simmonds - 171 Simmonds 171 415 220 15 1 phase
TR5 Simmonds - 171 Simmonds 171 415 220 15 1 phase
TR4 Sturdy Transformer - AN Sturdy Transformer AN 415 240 10 1 phase. HV=415, LV=240
TR3 Sturdy Transformer - AN Sturdy Transformer AN 415 240 10 1 phase. HV=415, LV=240
TR2 Power Transformers - Transrec Power Transformers Transrec 380 220 54 1984 520