
List of products
Reference ID Pump Manufacture Pump type Elmotor Manufacture Volt kW Year Remarks
P162 P162 24
P161 P161 Tenfjord G415 10977 DEFECT 1,5/1,75
P160 P160 HPI 24
P159 P159 Wagner B2 Helm pump. 300-0009. Ser. No. 10231
P158 P158 Vickers VTM42-60-50-20 Belt Drive
P157 P157 Servi E187F 9 87 Handpump, Handpump
P155 P155 Wickers VTM42-20 25-2
P154 P154 No plate PU30*115526*070001*WT*02*10*07 ABB M3AA 112 MB 380/420-440/480 4,9/5,7 Vessel: North Sea
P148 P148 Tenfjord 6757 H430 Vessel: Vorwärts
P147 P147 Tenfjord 1497H425 0
P146 P146 ABB 380/400 3
P145 P145 ABB 380/400 3
P144 P144 Not complete
P143 P143 Zeta Hydraulik ALA254HN5E Asea 380 2 Vessel: Argos
P142 P142 Zeta Hydraulik ALA254HN5E Asea 380 2 Vessel: Argos
P141 P141 Tenfjord G425 10948
P130 P130 Frydenbö PE1 1/4 SNE 80/46 1972 Vessel: Cembalo
P129 P129 Frydenbö PE1 1/4 SNE 80/46 1972 Vessel: Cembalo
P128 P128 Vickers Asea 380 3,3 No valve blok mounted. Only pump and tank as on photo
P127 P127 Vickers Asea 380 3,3 No valve blok mounted. Only pump and tank as on photo
P124 P124 380 3
P117 P117 Vessel: Grampian Protector. TP 110 bar. N.V.
P113 P113 Tenfjord Hydaullic Vessel: Tove Holm
P111 P111 440 7,3 * 2 Vessel: Vos Siren. Double pump unit
P109 P109 Lincoln 200/400 Vessel: Vos Server
P108 P108 Lincoln 200/400 Vessel: Vos Server
P107 P107 Sperry-Vickers P/N 414521 Vessel: Vos Don
P106 P106 ABEX Denison Gmbh. D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q-Tr Schorch Gmbh 380 2,7
P91 P91 Frydenbö PE1 1/4 Asea 380 6,5 Vessel: Linda - PAPSKILT nr. S113
P90 P90 Frydenbö PE1 1/4 Asea 380 6,5 Vessel: Linda - PAPSKILT nr. S114
P85 P85 ABEX Denison D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q-Tr AEG
P84 P84 ABEX Denison D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q-Tr AEG
P81 P81 ABEX Denison Gmbh. D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q Schorch Gmbh 380 5,1 Vessel: Vega
P80 P80 ABEX Denison Gmbh. D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q Schorch Gmbh 380 5,1 Vessel: Vega
P77 P77 Tenfjord GH430.10789 0 Remtrukket
P70 P70 Frydenbö PIE 1 1/4 SNE 80 1974 Nr. 499
P67 P67 Sjong 210/55/440V-60 Strömberg HXUR/C 325 Vessel: Vos Challenger
P66 P66 Sjong 210/55/240V-60 Strömberg HXUR/C 325 440 11,5 Vessel: Vos Challenger
P64 P64 Hansa 380 10
P61 P61 Tenfjord 2191H435 230 5,5
P50 P50 ABEX Denison Gmbh. D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q-Tr Schorch Gmbh 380 9,4 Vessel: Liv, m. starterskab
P43 P43 ABEX Denison Gmbh. D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q Schorch Gmbh 380 5,7 1976 Vessel: "LINE"
P42 P42 ABEX Denison Gmbh. D2D04-33-201-03-02-Q Schorch Gmbh 380 5,7 1976 Vessel: "LINE"
P35 P35 Tenfjord 19368203100 VEM 400 3
P29 P29 Vickers VIM42 60 50 20 Dutchi 220/380 2,2
P28 P28 Tenfjord H415 Dutchi 220/380 3
P23 P23 Vickers Asea 380 7,5
P22 P22 Tenfjord G420 Ingen Remtrukket
P16 P16 Servi S4/206/80/29929 ABB 220/380 7,5
P12 P12 VEM Vessel: Poseidon
P11 P11 Tenfjord 9124H430 Thrige 220/380
P10 P10 Tenfjord 2599H415 Thrige-Titan 220/380
P3 P3 Asea 380 5,2 7 hp
P2 P2 Vickers ZK160M8/4 Sever
P1 P1 Vickers Sever 380 4,8 Scansteering type 160M8/4. 6,6 hp